Smackdown Episode 21
MAIN EVENT: Winner enters the US Elimination Chamber Match at Satans Prison PPV: CJ2472 vs Caption_Slattery World Heavyweight Champion...
Raw Episode 21
MAIN EVENT: Winner enters the Universal Elimination Chamber Match at Satans Prison PPV: ArcadeoGamer007 vs daredevil6504 Universal...
Smackdown Episode 20 (Gauntlet Fusion PPV Fallout)
MAIN EVENT: Winner fights for the vacant Hardcore Championship at Satans Prison: RageMayhem725 vs Caption_Slattery World Heavyweight...
Raw Episode 20 (Gauntlet Fusion PPV Fallout)
MAIN EVENT: United Kingdom Championship: Taffy_1414 vs NaturalGuuru825 Winner enters the Universal Elimination Chamber Match at Satans...
Smackdown Episode 19
MAIN EVENT: Final Showdown: Hardcore Championship: Tonka-_-Man (C) vs Caption_Slattery Kaioto-16 vs RageMayhem725 United States Champion...
Raw Episode 19
MAIN EVENT: Tag Team Championships: The YoungKingz ( Intercontinental Champion King_Donny655 & NaturalGuru825 ) vs The Next-Gen ( United...
Smackdown Episode 18
MAIN EVENT: No.1 Contendership to the World Heavyweight Championship: KORNFAN900 vs Kaioto-16 Hardcore Championship: Caption_Slattery (C)...