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- Must make a created superstar. Must be a superstar with creativity. No weird or basic stuff. If you want help making a superstar, just ask. 

- Tag teams are optional (must have a tag team partner)

- Must be active (You will be released if you are nowhere to be found)

- There is no overall limit

- No spamming ground stomps or any moves. Be creative with your superstar.

- Dirty pin is not allowed.

- All submissions are banned.

- No staying outside to get reversals up, must get back in the ring. 

- Roll up pins are banned.

- Stealing Finishers are banned

- Catapult Finishers are banned (No doing it off the ropes)  

- No Stalling!



- Slingshot Spear

- King Of Swing OMG

- Handspring Enzuguri

- Superkick 6

- Corner Sister Abigail

- Basement Dropkick

- Leg Sweep

- Spining Backfist

- Lie Detector

- Powerbomb Into A Boston Crab

- Spear 8 & 11

Tag team

- Each player can break up a pin only twice during tag team matches.
- Must stay in your corner and wait until you are legally tagged in.
- You can attack opponents from the apron when you not tagged in the match.
-HG Contract
- Please follow the following rules from Hunting Ground and enjoy your time. By you signing to HG you have agreed to all the rules and wont break the rules.
- Breaking rules or being disrespectful will lead to suspension or even fired (Whatever the Owner or Admin chooses.)


Match cards will be posted in the Hunting Ground Official Chat

WEEK 1: From Monday to Tuesday, Raw will take place and From Wednesday to Thursday Smackdown Live will take place. 

WEEK 2: From Monday to Tuesday, Raw will take place and From Wednesday to Thursday Smackdown Live will take place. Then a Hunting Ground Pay-Per-View will take place from Saturday to Sunday

WEEK 3: From Monday to Tuesday, Raw will take place and From Wednesday to Thursday Smackdown Live will take place.  

WEEK 4: From Monday to Tuesday, Raw will take place and From Wednesday to Thursday Smackdown Live will take place. Then a Hunting Ground Pay-Per-View will take place from Saturday to Sunday

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